Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two days before Christmas

Ok, you got the title, so you have your place in time. The first thing on my mind is work. I do like my work. In general I help people, which is lucky considering all of the work you could do, but sometimes even my work is not all that helpful to people. I like to think I turn people on to education, but I know, sometimes due to my inability to catch all folks, or to be sensitive to all phone calls, I feel sure I turn people off of education, and perhaps even for the rest of their lives. man, that's a bummer.

I help people with GED and ESL. Yeesh, though, it's a hit and miss deal.

Christmas is coming, and I don't like this holiday, although I always end up falling for it.

1 comment:

  1. Now you have the blog bug too! Yeah - I'll look forward to your words or wisdom and unique reflections on life. Happy New Year!
