Monday, December 29, 2008

My Indian Friends

Yes, you Ave C (yes, ya'll are still Ave C guys) Indian guys inspired me. I also have to say, thanks, I've learned more about India from ya'll than I had ever or would have ever learned. I received a doll from my grandmother went she went to India, I believe in 1970, but all that insprired was a, "wow, that's a pretty cool doll", no curiosity about the actual country except maybe acknowledging the Taj Mahal. I don't know where the doll is now, I'm sure it was hidden by my step-mother (another whole blog), but didn't think/remember about this doll until ya'll went. Is there another word for ya'll? There must be, because from what I've heard, it's a Texas word, but I can't come with an alternative. Please help.

I now can name other cities in India just like off the tip of my tongue: Noida, Greater Noida, and Mumbai (ok, maybe there has been lots of reasons to know Mumbai but still it would not have made it into my knowledge base without ya'll going there). Also, I want you to know that I listen to the soundtrack of Slumdog Millionaire, a LOT. And don't forget, these names of these cities, well, I can just name them in conversation. Yeah. I look international and intelligent. Yeah.

Just to let you know my environment: Alex is on my lap, bugging me, and I'm watching that millionaire show, couldn't remember the name, but it's deal or no deal (I got so nervous I turned it off, and now I don't if he took the deal). Also all of our bikes got stolen--but it's not as bad as it seems. Garage door wide open all day, and finally the thieves said, well, we might as well take them. Thanks goodness, you're in India. Kate went around the neighborhood investigating.

1 comment:

  1. You are so international and always were. It's the influence of all those international students that you turn on to education, and the early influence of your well-heeled family. YOur grandma went to India in 1970? And all those famiy trips to Mexico... You have been around, girl!

    I sent you an email but afraid that I dont have the right email address for you. Drop us an email when you have a chance so that I can update my address book.

    Sorry about the bikes - that is a bummer. And to think that it happened on Avenue C!

    Happy New Year Dowdy's!
